the Vezac Chuch
Scanning Session
The purpose of this test was to check the sampling quality with a full frame sensor from the ground with no Drone and see the limitations and the quality of this method. The shooting scanning distance range was from 4m to 25m, with a 22MP camera. I also made 3 HDR Panoramic 360 Equirectangular environements.
With 162 pictures, no drone, here is the result.
Cameras calibration, cloud point generation
Mesh triangulation, Texture reprojection
Mesh result from Photogrammetry
The next step consist of a serie of treatment to prepare the asset deending the future application ( realtime technology, or pre computed rendering), including :
- 3D Mesh Retopology
- UV faces assignement
- Transfer details from High Res Poly to Low Res Poly
- Creation of Maps : Displacement, Metalic, Roughness, Normal, etc ...
- Lighting Neutralisation (Albedo).
- and recompilation
Image Base Lighting let you then simulate any kind of ambient Temperature lights.